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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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oh, radish
« Korean »
오오, 무
Come, nothing
Gently enter your mate while she is lying in the missionary position
« Korean »
그녀가 정상 체위에서 속이고 있는 동안 온화하게 당신의 동료에 들어가십시오
She inside and while is mildly from missionary position, enter into your colleague
Because many of us use music as an outlet for our deepest feelings, we are often shocked when the meanings that we have given to certain songs prove false
« Spanish »
Porque dan una sacudida eléctrica muchos de nosotros música del uso como enchufe para nuestras sensaciones más profundas, nosotros a menudo cuando los significados que hemos dado a ciertas canciones prueban falso
Because they give to an electrical shock many of us music of the use as it fits for our deeper sensations, we often when the meaning who we have given certain songs tries false
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
« Czech »
Nesmím bát se. Bát se is člen určitý mysl - zabij k. Bát se is člen určitý krátký - krveprolití aby nést celek přeškrtat. JÁ vůle čelit má bát se. JÁ vůle dopustit ono až k minout mne a docela mne.
I mustn't suspect. Suspect is the mind killer Suspect is the succinct massacre that sustain a total of obliterate. SELF wills weather has suspect. SELF wills take yon to slip over me plus quite me.
I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
« Welsh »
Eginais ddyn i mewn Reno jyst at bugeila 'i darfod.
I germinated man in Reno just to watch ' I perish.
I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
« Icelandic »
ÉG skot a maður í Afneita réttlátur til horfa á hann deyja.
I shot a man into Repulse righteous to look at he die.
Trees have bark.
« Hungarian »
Fák volna ugat.
Trees have yelp.
The truth is you could slit my throat and with my one last dying breath i would apologize for bleeding on your shirt.
« Slovenian »
resnica je vi strjena lava razporek svoj grlo ter s svoj nedoločni zaimek zadnjikrat umirajoč sapa jaz hoteti opravičiti se zakaj krvavitev naprej vaš srajca.
veracity there is you indurate lava slit your weasand and with your one lately fey gale yours truly yammer to vindicate o.s. why hemorrhage upward yours shirt.
The truth is you could slit my throat and with my one last dying breath i would apologize for bleeding on your shirt.
« Icelandic »
The sannleikur er þú ) rista minn háls og með minn einn síðastur deyjandi andardráttur ég vildi varnarræða fyrir fjandans á þinn skyrta.
The truth is you ) toast my cervix and with my single rearmost moribund breath I would disputation pay lip service to damn river thy shirt.
Yo soy el mejor, bbf es pura basura
« Spanish »
Mejor del EL de la soja de Yo, basura del pura del es del bbf
Better of THE ONE of the soybean of I, sweepings of the pure one of am of bbf
by debian666
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