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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I ride my bike whatever the weather may be but I try to be careful.
« Korean »
나는 날씨가이 일지모른다 나가 조심하는 것을 시도한다 무엇이건 나의 자전거를 탄다.
I do not know and the weather guy log and to go out the fact that takes care what is or rides the bicycle.
Did you see the little doodle at the bottom of the page?
« Slovenian »
Did vi zagledati majhni ljudje butec pravzaprav od stran?
Did you view the little zombie properly speaking sideways?
A utterly insignificant little blue-green planet near a small unregareded yellow sun in the western spiral arm of the galaxy.
« Japanese »
Completely unregareded where the western spiral shellfish linear arm of the galaxy of trivial is small the planet of nearby a little blue green color of the yellow sun.
by Erender
hello kitty!
« Japanese »
Today kitty!
Would you like a steak and kidney pie? It's a very good meal to have with a nice thick gravy and some lager.
« Korean »
당신 좋아한다 스테이크 및 키드니파이를 하고자 했는가? It' s 좋은 두꺼운 그레이비 및 약간 저장맥주로 가지고 있을 것이다 아주 좋은 식사.
You the steak and the height which likes holds under boil the pie? It' s will be having with the good thick gray expense and some lager beer quite good meal.
when you die i'll scatter your ashes in a toilet then scatter something else in it too
« Korean »
당신이 i' 죽을 때; ll 살포는 화장실에 있는 당신의 재 그 때 그것에 있는 다른 것을 역시 뿌린다
You this i& #039 when dying; ll scattering the something else as well re-that time your is in the bathroom there is to it and sprinkles
I peed in my eyeball
« Korean »
나는 나의 안구에서 오줌누었다
I urinated from my eyeball
Mother nature made my armpits hairy
« Slovenian »
mati priroda narejen svoj pazduha kosmat
venter nature unnatural your armpit villous
« German »
« Welsh »
oera, oeri, oerwch, ymoera, ymoeri, ymoerwch, 'n ddidaro, 'n glaear, 'n hunan-feddiannol, 'n oer, 'n oeraidd, 'n oerllyd, claear
I cool , cool , you cool , I cool , cool , you cool , ' heartburn unaffected , ' heartburn lukewarm , ' heartburn composed , ' heartburn cold , ' heartburn coldish , ' heartburn chilly , lukewarm
Nice shirts like you!