I want to fuck your mother to her ass
I think that your mother we would like to have sexual intercourse in her donkey,
you know what? You are a fucking bone head
bizonyára tudod mi? Ön egy kurva csont fej
you know mi? Your are one whore bone head
what the fuck do you think you are fucking doing?
성교에 의하여 무엇이라고 당신 당신을 성교하고 있는가 하기 생각하는가?
In compliance with a sexual intercourse what your you is having sexual intercourse description below thinks?
this is so fucking cool
이것은 이렇게 차가운 성교이다
This is like this cold sexual intercourse
I want to fuck you to your ass
JÁ potřeba až k do prdele tebe až k tvůj osel
SELF want to fuck it you to yours jackass
how much for a blow job?
« Chinese (traditional) »
How many moves the work?
I like fish, they taste like blah.
JÁ do téže míry kus dřeva , ona cítit do téže míry blah.
SELF like piece woods , she taste like welfares.
my wife has a fanny like a bear trappers hat
svoj žena has a žensko spolovilo všeč biti a špekulirati na borzi na pajdec cen lovec z zanko na živali z dragocenim krznom klobuk
your women has however vagina, like however bear trapper trilby
I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
I've got jeden krásný chomáč of kokosový ořech
I've got a neat wisp of coconut
peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
il pifferaio del peter ha selezionato un peck dei peperoni marinati
the pifferaio of marinati Peter it has selected a peck of the capsicum
by lelee