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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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everything that we own is not ours. It is made in hell and sent in heaven to be just borrowed to us on the Earth
« Japanese »
私達が専有物私達のものではないことすべて。 それは地獄でなされ、ちょうど地球の私達に借りられるべき天で送られる
We without being monopolized thing our ones entirely. You can do that at the hell, you are sent with the heaven which it should you borrow to us of the earth exactly
Does it offend you, yeah?
« Slovenian »
Does to zagrešiti vi , za yes?
Does this transgress you , upon I yes?
« Welsh »
oera, oeri, oerwch, ymoera, ymoeri, ymoerwch, 'n ddidaro, 'n glaear, 'n hunan-feddiannol, 'n oer, 'n oeraidd, 'n oerllyd, claear
I cool , cool , you cool , I cool , cool , you cool , ' heartburn unaffected , ' heartburn lukewarm , ' heartburn composed , ' heartburn cold , ' heartburn coldish , ' heartburn chilly , lukewarm
I can't speak English
« Japanese »
I can' tは英語を話す
I can' t speaks English
Water and Oil cannot be mixed.
« Japanese »
The water and oil are mixed.
by FireBeard 20X6
Cock it like a shotgun. Cock it, cock it!
« Latin »
Gallo is amo a offa. Gallo is , gallo is!
Cock this to love a lump. Cock this , cock this!
by AJ
may i insert my enormous penis into your tiny vagina?
« Czech »
moci já dodat má ohavný pyj do tvůj drobounký pochva?
may self supply has hideous phallus up yours tiny stall?
Guns don't kill people,i kill people with guns!
« Chinese (traditional) »
開槍don' t殺害人,我殺害有槍的人!
Opens fire don' t kills the human, I kill human who has the gun!
by odiriuss
How are you able to perform such amazing feats?
« Japanese »
That kind of splendid achievement can be done?
« Russian »
the bow
Nice shirts like you!