leave me alone
licentia mihi unus
license me one
Oh my god, i just shit my pants!
« Chinese (traditional) »
哎呀, i拉屎了我的褲子!
Oh, i has defecated my pants!
I like riding on my motorbike.
Gradico guidare sulla mia motocicletta.
Gradico to guide on my motorcycle.
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
'ch fam was a hamster a 'ch dadogi smelt chan elderberries.
' dogs mother servant I go er I go ' dogs father smelt with elderberries.
English to Danish and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
Engelsk hen til Dansk og igen igen. Se efter hvad er bortkommet ( eller skaffe ) i gengivelse.
British to Danish and again again. Look for what's lost ( or afford ) to representation.
She is a super freak
She is the extreme variety
your destination is the gensokyo nineball, cirno.
Your destination is nineball and cirno of gensokyo.
we live in a society fueled by caffeine
We in caffeine stimulation social housing
she ate meatballs with a fork.
« Chinese (traditional) »
She has eaten with fork's meatball.