Excuse me, where is the restroom?
Συγνώμη, πού είναι ο χώρος ανάπαυσης;
Apology, where it is the space of rest?
He looked deep into her eyes and told her how much he loved her
He looked entered her eye deeply, and told her how many him to love her
I wear adult diapers because my bowels are unpredictable.
나는 나의 창자가 예측할 수 없기 때문에 성숙한 기저귀를 착용한다.
I wear the diaper which matures because not being my intestines will not be able to predict.
That car next to the woman is nice. how much?
女性の隣のその車は素晴らしい。 どの位か。
That car of next door of the woman is splendid. Which rank?
Hello , you are very cool. so am i. lets go fishing
こんにちは、非常に涼しい。 そうAM I.は採取することを行くために割り当てる
Today is cool very. So picking it allots AM I. in order to go
a minke whale
en minke whale
a abate whale
" A computer will do what you tell it to do, but that may be much different from what you had in mind. "
Edsger Dijkstra
" a računalo hoteti delati kakšen vi pripovedati to uganjati , če že ne maj obstati veliko različen od kakšen si imel v srce. " Edsger Dijkstra
" however computer yammer work what kind of you tell this to practice , but that may to stop to the last degree different from what kind of you had home. Edsger Dijkstra
by Laugur
What should we have for dinner?
In us something is proper because of dinner?
Happy New Years
Glad Ny Åren
Jolly Fresh Scar
by Locutus
You look good in your dress. You would look better on my floor.
Sembrate buon in vostro vestito. Sembrereste migliore sul mio pavimento.
Seemed good in your garment. You would seem better on my pavement.