They burnt the pizza again.
그들은 피자를 다시 점화했다.
They ignited the pizza again.
by Nicole
What does the scouter say about his powerlevel
its over nine thousand
What nine thousand thats impossible
Something which does scouter calls to 9000 concerning that powerlevel 9000 what which is impossible
by lolol
I like gay fish
Tengo gusto de pescados gay
I have taste of fish gay
by Vedran
We should have sex and then pay a hooker to masturbate a donkey while we watch and cut each other.
We us look at each other, while cutting, possess characteristic and the prostitute should be paid in order to do masturbation next in the donkey.
pop quiz
예고없는 시험
The test which is not advance notice
I like to eat cheese with women
I like the fact that the cheese where the woman has been attached is eaten
Lick my boobs. It will be very good.
私の間抜けを舐めなさい。 それは非常によい。
Lick my stupidity. That is good very.
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
The hero it dies, or to be extremely long it has lived in order to observe at that you yourself become the bad guy.
Feel free to use a lot of jargon, because honestly, I am sure that this service is competent, so what can go wrong?
This service is competent, because honestly, I verify that therefore something can not go well using many special languages be moved by freely?
Caution: keep out of reach of children.
Precaución: subsistencia fuera del alcance de niños.
Precaution: subsistence outside the reach of children.