i am a sexy beast, so all of you fuckers can suck my nuts. i'll dip them in marinara sauce for you.
私はセクシーな獣である、従ってあなた方皆はfuckers私のナットを吸ってもいい。 i' llはあなたのためのmarinaraソースのそれらを浸す。
I am the sexy animal, therefore your everyone may inhale the fuckers my nut. i' ll dampens those of the marinara source because of you.
to the victor go the spoils
al vencedor van los escombros
to the winner the rubbish goes
How are you doing, buddy? I love running.
Jak se máte jednání , kámoš? JÁ Amor běh.
How do you do negotiation , chum? SELF Love swift.
by ee
You're a big piggy
'ch re a 'n fawr piggy
' dogs stud I go ' heartburn large piggy
No one is so brave that he is not disturbed by something unexpected.
By him unexpected something is not obstructed extent no one who is brave.
I am stroking my rooster.
Ich streiche meinen Hahn.
I paint mean cock.
I am going to the store to buy a banana hammock. Intrigued?
Jeg er igangværende hen til den opmagasinere hen til indkøbe en banan hammer. spændende
I am in progress to the warehouse to purchase a banana hammer. absorbing
i love sex
ja ljubav spol
I fondness gender
by Facu
I fart in your general direction
ÉG fretur í þinn almennur átt
I fart into thy universal direction
You are a cock sucker
The male it is it is the suction cup of the chicken