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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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my friend is gay and wants to suck dick. i hope he dies a painful death.
« Turkish »
my companion bkz. hi joyous and wish for had straight suck twat. i hope he Diesel a painful death.
Paul - my flesh hog needs cleaning
« Swedish »
Paul mine meat hogs needs cleaning
by Scott
Metalica moj najbolji drug
« Slovenian »
metal my the most therapeutic
by GoGo
English to _________ and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
« Japanese »
再度_________ 及び背部への英語。(失われるか、または) 得られるものが翻訳で見なさい。
For the second time English to the _________ and the back section. (It is lost, or or) those which are obtained see with translation.
by GoGo
money makes the world go around
« Latin »
pertaining to a journey to set in place the world to turn like a wheel
money makes the world go around
« Czech »
moneys writings the world swift aromatically
money makes the world go around
« Chinese (simplified) »
The money makes the world to take a walk in all directions
money makes the world go around
« Korean »
The money went back the world
money makes the world go around
« Russian »
den'g makes peace go around
What do blondes do for foreplay ? Remove their underwear.
« Latin »
Anyone to work blondes to work for foreplay? To take away by force its underwear.
Nice shirts like you!