i like to fuck cats. is that wrong? or sexy?
ja voljeti karati cats. je da izvrnut? ili seksi?
I like to scold cats. is that wrong? or sexy?
Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe's honorary Knighthood has been withdrawn by the Queen.
« Chinese (traditional) »
津巴布韋Robert Mugabe '总统; s名譽騎士精神由女王/王后是孤獨的。
Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe & President #039; s the honorary knight spirit by queen/queen is lonely.
How much for the mouthwash?
Which rank for gargle?
play that funky music, white boy
giochi quella musica funky, ragazzo bianco
you play that music funky, boy white man
I wanna rock and roll all night, and party every day
JEG wanna gynge og gynge hele natten , og hold hver dag
I wanna swing and swing all night , and groups every day
by bitpakkit
It is raining cats and dogs.
Оно идет дождь коты и собаки.
It goes rain tomcats and dog.
What the hell are you looking at? Those are real!
何に見ているか。 それは実質である!
You see in something? That is substance!
by Inocima
Would you like to go home with me and make sweet sweet love?
Você gosta de ir para casa comigo e de fazer o amor doce doce?
You like to go for house with me and to make the love candy candy?
You wanna get it on?
That profit you want?
by Henry