David Glasgow Farragut was a flag officer of the United States Navy during the American Civil War. He was the first rear admiral, vice admiral, and admiral of the Navy. He is remembered in popular culture for his order at the Battle of Mobile Bay, usually paraphrased: "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"
デイヴィッドグラスゴーFarragutはアメリカ南北戦争の間に米国海軍の海軍将官だった。 彼は海軍の最初の海将補、海軍中将および海軍大将だった。 彼は通常パラフレーズされるモビール湾の戦いの彼の順序のための大衆文化で、覚えられている: " 全速力魚雷を前方に酷評しなさい! "
[deivuitsudogurasugo] Farragut was the admiral of the US Navy between the American Civil War. He first Rear Admiral of the navy, was VADM and the admiral. He is remembered with popular culture for that order of fight of the mobile bay which usually the paraphrase is done: " Severely criticize the full speed torpedo in the front! "
I'm eating toast, care to join me in this session of toast eating?
I' トーストの食べることのこの会議の私を結合するためにトースト、心配を食べるmか。
I' M where the toast and worry are eaten in order to connect me of at this meeting of the thing which the toast is eaten.