the widow of a bus driver collects her pension every Tuesday before it rains?
člen určitý vdova of jeden autobus hnací kolo hromadit ji důchod každý Úterý dříve ono déšť?
the widow of a bus driving-wheel store her stipend whoever Tuesday heretofore yon wet?
by Kev
Save a horse, ride a cowboy.
Excepto un caballo, monte a un vaquero.
Except a horse, it mounts to a cattle tender.
And as for me, give me liberty or give me bermuda shorts.
And in regard to me, give freedom to me, or to me give the Bermuda underpants.
Would you like to lick my hemorrhoid?
Is the fact that my hemorrhoid is licked liked?
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
'ch fam was a hamster a 'ch dadogi smelt chan elderberries.
' dogs mother servant I go er I go ' dogs father smelt with elderberries.
Tesla is my dog's name
Tesla je moj pasji ugled
Tesla had my canine worth
by caligula
English to Danish and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
Engelsk hen til Dansk og igen igen. Se efter hvad er bortkommet ( eller skaffe ) i gengivelse.
British to Danish and again again. Look for what's lost ( or afford ) to representation.
God is my Saviour
신은 나의 구원자이다
Is my savior whom puts on
mommy, my butt exploded.
mommy , má cíl explodovat.
mommy , has aim spring.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Zašto je Chicago prijeći cesta?
Why has it been Chicago come over road?