that which does not kill us only makes us stronger
저희를 죽이지 않는 그것은 단지 저희만 강하게 만든다
It which does not kill us makes only us to fall
Things go better with Coke!
것은 코크와 잘 어울린다!
The thing with the cock matches well! where
My love for you is like a rock. Berserker. Would you like some making fuck? Berserker.
あなたのための私の愛は石のようである。 Berserker。 好む作成は性交をか。 Berserker。
My love because of you seems like the stone. Berserker. As for the compilation which you like sexual intercourse? Berserker.
I have genital warts. Does that raise the price of a no pants dance?
私に生殖疣がある。 それはNOのズボンのダンスの価格を引き上げないか。
There is a reproduction wart in me. Doesn't that pull up the price of dance of the pants of NO?
by Matt
Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.
Oplodan listić diem. Posjedovati dan , momčadija. Izraditi tvoj marva poseban.
Carpel diem. Possess day , boys. Fabricate yours livestock specific.
Santa Claus is coming to town.
Santa Claus ydy yn d at dref.
d hey would minimize he is being coming to town.
I found the cure for cancer!
JEG oprette den læge nemlig kræft!
I conclude the surgeon that is to say cancer!
In the dark, everything is potentially a basketball.
In darkness, all are the latent basketballs.
William Shatner is James T. Kirk Commanding officer of the Starship Enterprise.
Mannsnafn Mölbrotna er Mannsnafn T. Kirk Æðsti yfirmaður herafla af the Starship Framtak.
William Smash is William T. Church Commanding officer with the Starship Get-up-and-go.
by Fluf
Because many of us use music as an outlet for our deepest feelings, we are often shocked when the meanings that we have given to certain songs prove false
Porque dan una sacudida eléctrica muchos de nosotros música del uso como enchufe para nuestras sensaciones más profundas, nosotros a menudo cuando los significados que hemos dado a ciertas canciones prueban falso
Because they give to an electrical shock many of us music of the use as it fits for our deeper sensations, we often when the meaning who we have given certain songs tries false