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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
gabby is just awesome
« Japanese »
It is the just the oral skilled person exactly you are surprised
Friends do not let friends drive drunk.
« Latin »
Amicitia operor non permissum amicitia coegi madidus.
Friendship to work not to allow friendship to bring together wet.
That halo is a cool guy. he kills aliens and doesent afraid of anything.
« Japanese »
そのハローは涼しい人である。 彼は何でもを外国人そしてdoesent恐れている殺す。
That hello it is the cool person. He foreigner and doesent fears with anything, you kill.
another one bites the dust
« Slovenian »
še eden nedoloèni zaimek ugriz prah
another one sting powder
my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
« Serbian »
moj milkshake donijeti svi odreðeni èlan momaèki za odreðeni èlan mjera za dužinu
my milkshake yield all the celibate after the linear measure
Friends do not let friends drive drunk.
« Spanish »
Los amigos no dejan la impulsión de los amigos bebida.
The friendly do not leave the impulsion of the friendly drunk.
Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?
« Czech »
Nedovaøený is èlen urèitý tazatel ptal se : Is náš dítì uèenost?
Half-baked is the questioner asked : Is our infant scholarship?
another one bites the dust
« Czech »
jiný jeden kousat èlen urèitý oprášit
another a savage the whisk
another one bites the dust
« Korean »
또다른 하나는 먼지를 문다
Also one is different the dust is the door
my place for drinks and then some?
« Russian »
мое место для пить и после этого некоторого?
my place for to drink and after this certain?
Nice shirts like you!