I hear eating fish is very good for you.
I eating, am very good because of you, but the fish which inquires about a certain thing.
by Barrett
snap crackle pop
High-speed kneeling star bang
snap crackle pop
estallido rápido del crujido
fast outbreak of the crujido one
You have a nice pair of boots
Te imati izbirljiv pariti od sluga
These have lickerish steam with valet
God is watching you, mister
신은 당신을 의 미스터 보고 있다
Your Mister whom puts on thinks
Rock out with your cock out!
Hrid vanjska strana sa vašim pijetao vanjska strana!
Scar surface with your cock surface!
by Bassastingur
Your mom tastes like apples
당신의 엄마는 사과 같이 맛본다
You freezing, like the apple which rolls up tastes
See what is lost or gained in translation.
분실되거나 주어지는 무슨이 번역에서 보십시오.
Are lossed and from this translation which comes to be given see.
Thi is my dick, he in very happy to see you.
Thi is my spying, he very happy looks at you.
by Luka
I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
Eginais ddyn i mewn Reno jyst at bugeila 'i darfod.
I germinated man in Reno just to watch ' I perish.