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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Blow me
« Portuguese »
It establishes me
your breath stinks like penis
« Korean »
당신의 흡입은 남근 같이 악취가 난다
Your suction the penis the offensive odor is born together
shut the fuck up, before you get smacked the fuck up
« Korean »
당신에 의하여 위로 입맛을 다실 성교가 얻기 전에, 성교를 닫으십시오
In compliance with you before the teahouse sexual intercourse getting a comfort taste, close the sexual intercourse
gay men are beautiful
« Korean »
동성연애 남성은 아름답다
The eastern characteristic love male is beautiful
« Czech »
I will lick the balls of a thousand Camels
« Turkish »
I -ecek yalamak belgili tanýmlýk taþaklar -in a bin deve
I ecek lick the bollocks den a cause to mount camel
Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?
« Swedish »
Är så pass en pistol i din ficka , eller er du rättvis glad till se jag?
Is that a gun in your pocket , ors are you just jolly to watch self?
by snerk snerk snerk
Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?
« Japanese »
That it is the gun of your pocket, or you rejoice in order exactly to meet to me?
by snerk snerk snerk
It's not bragging if you can back it up.
« Slovenian »
It's ne bahaè èe vi moèi prislon to ki gre gor.
It's thingummy vulgarian whether you to feel up to back this whom gre upward.
by dbsmall
Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
« Chinese (simplified) »
Whether that is or you looks at me happily in a yours pocket's pole gun?
by snerk snerk snerk
Nice shirts like you!