Why do people believe in God?
Quare operor populus puto in Deus?
Wherefore to work populace to clear upon God?
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
'n bob chyngaws has chychwïor a ar gyfer adwaith.
' heartburn each lawsuit ace like I go for reaction.
The force is strong with you, young jedi!
« Turkish »
the difficult bkz. hi strong with you , young jedi!
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10
I'm misleč od a števnik med 1 ter 10
I'm witted with however numeral yellow copper 1 and 10
by Rachel Benn
Step one: Turn on the computer.
Ñòúïâàì åäèí : Âúðòÿ íà îïðåäåëèòåëåí ÷ëåí ñìåòà÷íà ìàøèíà.
Tread one : Turn �� ������������� ���� cream machine.
Ich bin faul
« German »
I sorting drawer putridly
What fun to watch a computer screw the pooch.
« Japanese »
Pooch what kind of pleasure where the computer observes at that it
tightens with the screw.
Holy crap, that is the craziest shit I've ever seen!
« Russian »
Holiest is buckwheat, then there will be by the craziest shit, I is
which it always saw!
The eternal sleeper is I is rising. I will sew. I will grow. I will see and I will know. What's more am enterprising.
« Korean »
The slipper which is eternal is happening and the I. Me will sew. Me
will grow. Me it is a report egg l thing. The progressive cancer which
it takes what.
Would you like to give me a blowjob?
« Croatian »
Would you like this subsidence myself wipe?