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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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you killed my father, prepare to die
« Japanese »
The fact that it dies is prepared killed my father,
hello hello hello is there anybody in there. just nod if you can hear me. is there anyone home. relax relax relax just a little pin prick. there will be no more ahhhhhhhh but you may feel a little sick.
« Italian »
ciao ciao ciao è ci qualcuno dentro là. annuisca col capo appena se potete sentirli. è ci chiunque a casa. distenda si distendono si distendono appena una piccola puntura del perno. ci sarà più ahhhhhhhh ma potete ritenere poco un ammalato.
hello hello hello someone within here is us. it agrees hardly with the head if you can feel them. anyone to house is us. it stretches are stretched hardly stretch a small puncture of the hinge. there will be more ahhhhhhhh but you can think a sick man little.
hello hello hello is there anybody in there. just nod if you can hear me. is there anyone home. relax relax relax just a little pin prick. there will be no more ahhhhhhhh but you may feel a little sick.
« Japanese »
こんにちはこんにちはこんにちは誰でもそこにある。 私を聞くことができたらちょうどうなずかせなさい。 だれでも起点にある。 緩む緩めるちょうど小さいピンprickを緩めなさい。 これ以上のahhhhhhhhがない少し病気を感じるかもしれない。
Today today today anyone there is there. When it can inquire about me, nod exactly. Anyone there is a starting point. It loosens, loosen the exactly small pin prick where it loosens. Perhaps you feel the sickness which is not ahhhhhhhh above this a little.
by John Wheeler
My gerbils are very cute and funny. They like to chew on cardboard tubes and eat wheat cereal.
« Latin »
Meus gerbils es valde cute quod funny. They amo ut chew in cardboard tubes quod eat siligoinis cereal.
My gerbils are intensely cute and funny. They to love when chew upon cardboard tubes and eat wheat sacred to Ceres.
Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning? George Bush
« Japanese »
尋ねられる質問はまれにない: 私達の子供は学んでいるか。 George Bush
The question which is asked be fixed it is not: Have our children learned? George Bush
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination
« Czech »
Tebe lupek ne souložit s lidstvo , aèkoliv s ženské pohlaví : ono is odpor
You shale no lie with world , not but that with womankind : yon is nausea
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination
« German »
Tausend shalt nicht Lüge mit Menschheit, wie mit Womankind: es ist Gräuel
Lie with mankind did not scold thousands, like with Womankind: it is Gräuel
two girls one cup
« Japanese »
Girl 1 glasses 2
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
« Japanese »
We must fear, the only thing is fear itself.
by Barry
Your dad masturbates to 2girls1cup
« Korean »
당신의 아빠는 2girls1cup에 수음을 한다
Your dad masturbates in 2girls1cup
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