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Frosty the Snowman
« Korean »
서리가 내린 눈사람
The snowman where the frost gets off
You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donder and Blitzen., But do you recall The most famous reindeer of all? Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Had a very shiny nose, And if you ever saw it, You could even say it glows. All of the other reindeer Used to laugh and call him names; They never let poor Rudolph Join in any reindeer games. Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say: Rudolph with your nose so bright, Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?" Then how the reindeer loved him As they shouted out with glee, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, You'll go down in history."
« Czech »
Tebe vŘdŘt Blatník a Tanečník a Skok a Hašteřivá ženská , Kometa a Chamtivost a Donder a Blesková válka , Aby ne činit tebe odvolání Člen určitý nejčetnější pověstný sob of celek? Rudolph člen určitý Červeň - Střemhlavý let Sob Mněl jsem jeden dokonalý blýskavý nos , A -li tebe jakkoli pila ono , Tebe could dokonce říci ono být rozpálen. Celek of nedávno sob Zvyklý čemu být veselý a čerpat jemu jména ; Ona nikdy dovolit bezvýznamný Rudolph Utkat se jakýkoliv sob hráč. Někdy jeden mlhavý Štědrý den , Santa came až k říci : Rudolph s tvůj nos asi tolik blýskavý , Nebude tebe být průvodčím má saně dnes večer? " Někdy jak? člen určitý sob Amor jemu Ačkoliv ona pokřikovat mimo s radost , Rudolph člen určitý Červeň - Střemhlavý let Sob , You'll klesnout v ceně do dějiny "
You know Mudguard plus Skipper plus Spring plus Vixen , Comet plus Cupidity plus Donder plus Thunderbolt war , Lest amount you withdrawals The most notorious reindeer of a total of? Redskin the Scarlet Nosedive Reindeer Had a sublime tawdry nose , PLUS li you somehow saw yon , You inch even say yon glow. A total of of newly reindeer Used to laugh plus tank him names ; She never allow unsubstantial Redskin Skirmish whatsoever reindeer sportsman. Sometimes a nebulous Nativity Santa came to say : Redskin with yours nose thereabouts tawdry , Won't you guide has slider tonight? " Sometimes as forth as? the reindeer Love him Not but that she whoop without with joy , Redskin the Scarlet Nosedive Reindeer You'll go down up history "
Merry Christmas.
« Welsh »
'n arab Nadolig.
' heartburn facetious Christmas.
by CDiFan237
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Twelve drummers drumming, Eleven pipers piping, Ten lords a-leaping, Nine ladies dancing, Eight maids a-milking, Seven swans a-swimming, Six geese a-laying, Five golden rings, Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle doves, And a partridge in a pear tree
« Welsh »
Acha 'r 'n ddeuddegfed ddiwrnod chan Nadolig , 'm 'n ddiau cara 'n anfonedig ata 'n ddeuddeg dabyrddwyr yn tabyrddu , Hun ar ddeg bibyddion yn pibo , Ddeg arglwyddi a - yn llamsach , 'n naw arglwyddesau yn dawnsio , Wyth forynion a - yn godro , 'n saith alarchau a - yn nofio , Chwech gwyddau a - laying , Bum 'n euraid amgarnau , 'n bedwar yn galw adar , 'n dri 'n Ffrengig hieir , 'n ddau chrwban cholomennod , A betrisen mewn ellygwydden
Astride ' group ' heartburn twelfth day with Christmas , ' ores ' heartburn true I love ' heartburn sent to ' heartburn twelve drummers drumming , Eleven pipers piping , Ten lords I go striding , ' heartburn son-in-law ladies dancing , Eight maids I go milking , ' heartburn seven swans I go swimming , Six geese I go laying , Five ' heartburn golden circles , ' heartburn four calling birds , ' heartburn three ' heartburn French hens , ' heartburn two tortoise doves , I Go partridge in pear tree
He's making a list He's checking it twice He's gonna find out Who's naughty or nice Santa Clause is coming to town
« Croatian »
He's stvaranje rub He's ček Internet dvaput He's gonna otkriti Who's neodgojen ili izbirljiv Santa Rečenica je dolazak to grad
He's making limb He's check IT twice He's gonna unveil Who's vulgar or lickerish Santa Sentence had come in this cities
To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman. I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name. In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex. It was not that he felt any emotion akin to love for Irene Adler. All emotions, and that one particularly, were abhorrent to his cold, precise but admirably balanced mind. (A Scandal in Bohemia, Arthur Conan Doyle)
« Welsh »
At Sherlock Holmes dydy beunydd 'r benyw. Ca anaml clywedig 'i chrybwyll 'i dan unrhyw arall enwa. I mewn eiddo chreuau chymyla a predominates 'r chrynswth chanddi hystlen. Bu mo a balfalai unrhyw annwyd 'n berthynasol at cara achos Irene Adler. Pawb chyffroadau , a a hun 'n benodol were abhorrent at eiddo annwyd , 'n fanwl namyn 'n edmygadwy clorianedig dendio. ( Ddrygair i mewn Bohemia Arthur Conan Doyle )
To Sherlock Holmes he is being daily ' group female. I have rarely heard ' I mention ' I we are being any other I name. In his holes I cloud I go predominates ' group mass with sex. He was not I go he felt any cold ' heartburn relevant to I love because hew One May account. Everyone motions , I go I go self ' heartburn designated were abhorrent to his cold , ' heartburn exact except ' heartburn admirable weighed tend. ( Ill Report in Bohemia arthu They Grumble Doyle )
If wolves had at your gate howled that stern time, you should have said Good porter, turn the key, all cruels else subscribed: but I shall see the winged vengeance overtake such children. (King Lear,3.7 with slight liberties taken)
« Korean »
선미 시간 늑대가 짖은 당신 문에 가지고 있던 경우에, 당신은, 돈다 열쇠를 좋은 관리인을 말했음에 틀림없다, 모든 cruels는 그밖에 구독했다: 그러나 나는 볼 것이다 공중을 난 복수는 그런 아이들을 따라잡는다. (Lear, 가지고 가는 경미한 자유에 3.7 임금)
Was having in your door where the stern timely wolf barks and in case, you were incorrect and the key which goes round to saying the good administrator, all cruels subscribed in addition: The air which is to see but the difficulty condensed water overtakes like that children. (Lear, has and in the freedom which is slight 3.7 wages)
Work is the curse of the drinking class.
« Chinese (traditional) »
The work is a kind of curse which drinks.
im 12 yrs old loves nintendo and sony and microsoft i hav 6 bros and 2 sisters(im the second oldest next to d1sablyou)i only take frieand requsts from relitves real frieands or ppl with anything to do with nintendo(nintendofanboy666 64marjo64 mariovsdk superjohnymario ect)some of my enimies r larmnator even tho he has good vids wrathchild42 IHATESYOUTUBE(wtf boom arguement) dont say i cant spell bcuz its how i type
« Japanese »
im古い愛12 yrsの任天堂およびソニーおよびマイクロソフトIのhav 6のbrosおよび2人の姉妹(im d1sablyouの隣の第2最も古いの)私はrelitvesの実質のfrieandsからのfrieandのrequstsを取るまたは任天堂(nintendofanboy666 64marjo64のmariovsdkのsuperjohnymarioのect)とすることを何でものppl私のenimies rのlarmnatorのthoのいくつか彼は私がいかにだけタイプするか私は綴りのbcuzを傾けることをwrathchild42 IHATESYOUTUBE (wtfブームの議論)が言わないよいvidsを有する
im bros and 2 sisters of hav 6 of Nintendo Co. and SONY and Microsoft I of old love 12 yrs (the next door of im d1sablyou 2nd am oldest) I take requsts of frieand from frieands of the substance of relitves or Nintendo Co. (ect of superjohnymario of mariovsdk of nintendofanboy 66,664 marjo64) with doing with something several of tho of larmnator of thing ppl my enimies r as for him I type how just, as for me bcuz of spelling it possesses good vids where wrathchild42 IHATESYOUTUBE (argument of wtf boom) you do not say that it can tilt
by superniitendofan64
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
« Italian »
Grandine Mary, piena di tolleranza. Il signore è con il thee. Il thou benedetto di arte fra le donne e benedetto è la frutta del tuo utero, Jesus. Mary santa, madre del dio, ora prega per noi i peccatori ed all'ora della nostra morte. Amen.
Mary hail, flood of tolerance. The gentleman is with the thee. Thou Benedict of art between the women and Benedict is the fruit of your uterus, Jesus. Saint Mary, mother of the God, now prays for we the sinners and all' now of our dead women. Amen.
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