Sweety, would you join me for a round?
The candy, am I because of circle connected?
I want to fuck your tight little pussy
Je veux baiser votre petit chat serré
I want to kiss your tight kitten
i want my linkfilter
I think that we want my linkfilter,
hello my friends, would you care for a soda?
halo moj prijatelj , će te brinuti se za gazirati?
hello my wellwisher , would these brinuti does for carbonate?
hello my friends, would you care for a soda?
여보세요 나의 친구, 당신은 소다 돌볼는가 것입니다?
The friend woman bond, you the soda will take care of is the thing?
hello my friends, would you care for a soda?
ciao i miei amici, vi preoccupereste per una soda?
hello my friends, you would worry yourselves for a hard one?
hello my friends, would you care for a soda?
Today my friend, you worry soda?
I love cheesy poofs, you love cheesy poofs - if we did not eat cheesy poofs we would be lame
When as for me the [tsu] where the legs are inconvenient - us with us [po] it is cheaply and homo- does not eat the [tsu] [po] it is cheaply and homo-, the [tsu] which is loved [po] it is cheaply and homo- loves
You are an incredibly beautiful woman. Would you join me for a drink?
Usted es una mujer increíblemente hermosa. ¿Usted me ensamblaría
para una bebida?
You are an incredibly beautiful woman. You would assemble me for a
i like to garden
jeg har lyst til hage
I've delight at chin