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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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president bush is the best president we ever had
« Italian »
il presidente cespuglio è il migliore presidente che abbiamo avuti mai
the president bush is the best president that we have never had
the sun blew up!
« Czech »
člen určitý slunce blew autobus!
the sun blew bus!
me Chinese me make joke me go pee pee in your coke
« Croatian »
mene Kineski mene izraditi zavitlavati mene ići pee pee u vaš koks
myself Chinese myself fabricate joke myself leg pee pee in your coke
the sun blew up!
« Dutch »
de zon blies - omhoog!
the sun blew - omhoog!
i cheated on my girlfriend
« Italian »
ho truffato sulla mia amica
I have swindled on my friend
fuck salt
« French »
sel de baise
salt of kisses
leave out all the rest
« Welsh »
ad i maes pawb 'r bwyso
crooked out everyone ' group weigh
Feed the fish. Get a shirt!
« Russian »
Подайте рыбы. Получите рубашку!
Give fish. You will obtain jacket!
hello i am a human
« Welsh »
hello dwi a 'n ddynol
l make heavy I am being I go ' heartburn human
The cake is a lie!
« Korean »
케이크는 사기이다!
The cake buys is! where
Nice shirts like you!