When you wish upon a star, it makes no difference who you are
당신이 별에 바랄 때, 당신이인 효과를 내지 않는다
When wishing in this star of you, the effect where is the party shoes the inland is not
who let the dogs out
tko pustiti psi vanjska strana
who let dogs surface
Remember, remember, the 5th of november
Ricordi, ricordi, il quinto novembre
Memories, memories, the fifth November
I am a homosexual baby pineapple
JAG er en homosexuell spädbarn ananas
I'm a gay babies pineapple
You are the coolest guy ever
당신은 이제까지 가장 차가운 녀석이다
You the until now are coldest guy
by Sorcha
No, Mr Bond. I expect you to die!
ne , gospod vez. jaz slutiti vi umreti!
thingummy , sir. yours truly ween you to yield up the breath!
Oh, you dirty wench, get your hand out of my bloomers, bend over, and let me show you the wild weasel. Yeah.
ああ、私のブルマーの汚れた若い女、あなたの配り、曲がり、そして野生のイタチを示すことを許可する私が得る。 ええ。
Well, I who permit the fact that the weasel of the young woman, your distributing, bending, and wildness where my [buruma] it became dirty is shown obtain. Obtaining obtaining.
up the creek without a paddle
v bryndì bez jeden batolit se
in a stew without a wag
Guns don't kill people,i kill people with guns!
Oružje ne ubiti narod ubiti narod sa oružje!
Weapon does not zap people zap people from an weapon!
by odiriuss
남근 모양으로 만든 성구
The characteristic nine which it made with the penis shape