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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
may we have sex?
« Japanese »
We may possess characteristic?
dip shit
« Danish »
dip lort
dip shit
How are you doing, buddy? I love running.
« Czech »
Jak se máte jednání , kámoš? JÁ Amor běh.
How do you do negotiation , chum? SELF Love swift.
by ee
butt face
« Latin »
butt visio
butt likeness
butt face
« Japanese »
Bat surface
Tag, you are it! Ha ha, now go run and hit people!
« Russian »
Бирка, вы оно! Ha ha, теперь идут люди бега и удара!
Tally, you it! Ha ha, now go people of run and impact!
your remainder is an unjustifiable egotistical power struggle at the expense of the american dream
« Icelandic »
þinn afgangur er óákveðinn greinir í ensku óréttlætanlegur - egotistic máttur barátta á the gjald af the Ameríkumaður draumur
thy tag end is indefinite article into English unwarrantable egotistic power fight river the rate with the American dream
do you like chicken?
« Latin »
operor vos amo pullus?
to work you to love young?
sally sells shells by the sea shore
« Latin »
eruptio exigo crusta per profundum brevis
an eruption drive out crust very a depth short
That is so freaking cool. Why don't you go get a stupid fish that has a big blue spot on it?
« Hungarian »
Ez minden tehát furcsa hűvös. Miért te nem megy munkát szerezni hülye hal amit birtokol egy nagy kék folt rajta?
That's all ergo strange chilly. Why you haven't he is going to get work stupid fish that possesses one mickle blue spot on it?
Nice shirts like you!