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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I see that you have large breasts. Can I, perchance, play motorboat?
« Japanese »
私は大きい胸があることを見る。 Iは、perchance、演劇のモーターボートできるか。
I look at that it is the large chest. I, the motorboat of perchance and the play is possible?
I see that you have large breasts. Can I, perchance, play motorboat?
« Danish »
Ja så at du har stor bryster. Kunne Jeg perchance , leg motorboat?
I see that you've extensive tits. Could I perchance , play motorboat?
Please help, I have been badly wounded and might bleed to death. Where is the nearest hospital?
« Italian »
Aiuti prego, male sono stato ferireito e potrei sanguinare alla morte. Dove è l'ospedale più vicino?
Aids I pray, badly they have been ferireito and I could bleed to the dead women. Where it is l' hospital more close?
Space... the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.
« German »
Raum… die abschließende Grenze. Diese sind die Reisen des starship Unternehmens. Sein Fünfjahresauftrag: zu merkwürdige neue Welten erforschen, neues Leben und neue Zivilisationen aussuchen, um mutig zu gehen wohin kein Mann vorher gegangen ist.
Area… the concluding border. These are the journeys starship of the enterprise. Its five-yearly order: too strange new worlds investigate, new life and new civilizations select, over courageously to go where no man before went.
i need to find the potty so i can shit
« Japanese »
I take am not enough have the necessity to find, therefore as for me it is it is possible to be every [wa]
by cristian jesus
I just took a huge shit.
« Japanese »
I took every enormous hatchet [wa] exactly.
This shit sucks. Life sucks. Everything sucks.
« Japanese »
このたわごとは吸う。 生命は吸う。 すべては吸う。
It inhales every this it is [wa]. Life inhales. Everything inhales.
A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
« Chinese (simplified) »
The woman needs to look like a person bicycle which the fish needs.
by Susanne
I am awesome. Don't you agree? Also, my cat is very fat.
« Welsh »
Dwi awesome. Gwisga t amodi? Hefyd , 'm cath ydy iawn bloneg.
I am being awesome. I dress tower agree? Also , ' ores cat he is being right lard.
The shit hit the fan
« Chinese (simplified) »
The excrement has hit the ventilator
by BD
Nice shirts like you!