The time to hesitate is through.
Время смутиться до конца.
Time to confuse to the end.
Kelly Shoop has a big cell phone, because he has a small penis.
Kelly Sicc! birtokol egy nagy sejt telefon , mert ő birtokol egy kicsi pénisz.
Have to Scat! possesses one mickle cellular telephone , since she is possesses a little of penis.
by A person
I have a giant penis.
JÁ mít jeden obr pyj.
SELF hold a troll phallus.
Come on, baby, light my fire
, 나의 불이 아기에 의하여 자아, 점화한다
The fire ignites in compliance with the baby self,
Just dance, it'll be okay.
Csak táncol , lesz még rendben van.
Only hops , it'll be she's all right.
The fat cowboy ate a vat of baked beans.
The feitur kúreki ate a tankur af baka baunastilkur.
The well-fed buckaroo a vat with pie beanstalk.
high hopes
granes esperanzas
you seed hopes
by Daniel
I saw, I came, I conquered.
I saw, I have come, I conquered.
i wish i spoke czech as well as the internet. *sigh*
já přát si já paprsek kola Čech jakož i člen určitý internovaná osoba. vzdychat
self wish self spoke Czech as well as the intern. sigh