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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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« Welsh »
heartburn, a heartburn
Why is a bee's hair so sticky? It uses a honeycomb!
« Japanese »
bee'がなぜあるか; 粘着性があるsの毛そうか。 それは蜜蜂の巣を使用する!
bee& Why is there a #039?; The hair of s which is stickiness so? That uses the honey honeycomb!
« Welsh »
anger, an anger, wrath, a wrath, Gower
« Welsh »
a werewolf
I go werewolf
Stop, hammer time.
« Russian »
Остановите, бейте время молотком.
You will stop, beat time by hammer.
Does this dress make my butt look fat?
« Hungarian »
Csinál ez ruha csinál az én -m csikk megjelenés kövér?
Make this toilette make my m fag-end appearance full-bodied?
I have three penises.
« Japanese »
There are three penes in me.
Why does my shirt smell like curry?
« Czech »
Proč does má blůza čichat do téže míry hřebelcovat?
Why does has shirt smell like comb?
Where do babies come from?
« Japanese »
Does the baby come from somewhere?
I am awesome dough man!
« Japanese »
Don't you think? as for me the just saw which is surprised it is the person of the powder!
Nice shirts like you!