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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
I am a ninja. You cannot see me. Prepare to die.
« Welsh »
Dwi a ninja. 'ch cannot canfod 'm. Arlwya at darfod.
I am being I go ninja. ' dogs it may whiten see ' ores. I prepare to perish.
the squirrels came back from the retirement home in Utah
« Italian »
gli scoiattoli hanno ritornato dalla casa di riposo nell'Utah
the scoiattoli have returned from the rest house nell' Utah
by Hannah
Look out! A giant tentacle monster! It's going to rape that poor innocent girl in that short skirt!
« Japanese »
見なさい! 巨大な触手モンスター! It' その短いスカートのその貧しい無実の女の子を強姦することを行くs!
See! Enormous tentacle monster! It' The short skirt that raping the girl false it is poor s which goes!
My penis is deformed. Would you like to see?
« Spanish »
Mi pene está deformido. ¿Usted tiene gusto de ver?
My penis is deformido. You have taste to see?
by Tracy
I got sick in the taxi. The driver took all of my money.
« Hungarian »
ÉN kapott beteg -ban taxi. A vezető elvitt mind az összes pénzem.
AM I got diseased ban taxi. THE managing rapt all of my money.
by Tracy
I m going to kill myself
« Croatian »
JA m idući u ubiti ja osobno
I Munich going to zap myself
ma ovo je bezveze
« Croatian »
miliamper ovo je bezveze
milliampere this had incoherent
by lalala
Ferrous extemporaneous ghost
« Japanese »
Instant illusion of iron
možda upecam još koji glupi prijevod
« Serbian »
možda upecam još koji glupi dotur
maybe hook else that absurd deliver
moje hlače su zelene a majca crna
« Croatian »
moje hlače su zelene majca crna
my trousers have been verdant majca crna
Nice shirts like you!