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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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ooops! i did it again.
« Croatian »
ooops! ja je Internet opet.
ooops! I had IT redistribute.
by katy
life is hard
« Croatian »
život je tvrdo
curriculum vitae had niggardly
by katy
« Croatian »
sisanje, uvlačenje, usisavanje, zvuk sisanja, vir, gutljajčić, slatkiš, razočaranje, sisati što, izmusti, izvući što, mučan rad, sisnuti, isisati
suction , suck , suction , suck , whirlpool , suck , kickshaw , suck , suck , cadge , suck , suck , suck , aspirate
« Korean »
남근 모양으로 만든 성구
The characteristic nine which it made with the penis shape
bite me
« Croatian »
gristi mene
worry myself
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
« Croatian »
primijeniti na dan uspomena doktor daleko
apply to day memory doctor far away
by katy
I am a bad ass mother fucker
« Croatian »
Ja sam loš magarac majka jeben
I am a unsatisfactory jackass mother bloody
please, don't kill me
« Croatian »
ugoditi , ne ubiti mene
please , does not zap myself
Sorry! Either you entered too much text or we're really busy. Please Try again!
« Croatian »
žalostan Oba te utipkanim u odveć tekst ili we're stvarno zaposlen. Ugoditi Pokušajte ponovo!
tristful Two these entered in too text or we're you really stir-about. Please Try again!
la la lala
« Croatian »
la la tulip
la la asphodel
by Mat
Nice shirts like you!