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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Buy your sister a book one
« Icelandic »
Kaupa þinn systir a bók einn
Buy thy sister a book single
by Not me again, Soleil
Keep on rocking in the free world
« Japanese »
Continue to shake in democracy society
by Neil Young
Surprise buttsex.
« Chinese (traditional) »
Surprised buttsex.
Wrestling is real. People are fake.
« Japanese »
苦闘することは実質である。 人々は偽造品である。
The fact that it struggles is substance. The people are the forgery.
Want to fuck?
« Japanese »
Think that we would like to have sexual intercourse?
Ass hole
« Dutch »
earear ear
Whats in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet
« Japanese »
名前に何があるか。 私達が他のどの名前によってもばらと呼ぶそれは菓子として臭いがする
Is there something in name? Us as for that it calls the rose with other whichever name smell does as a candy
Kelly Shoop has a big cell phone, because he has a small penis.
« Hungarian »
Kelly Sicc! birtokol egy nagy sejt telefon , mert ő birtokol egy kicsi pénisz.
Have to Scat! possesses one mickle cellular telephone , since she is possesses a little of penis.
by A person
A mad doctor has kidnapped three people for his evil plans to create one person out of three, by surgically attaching them ass-to-mouth.
« Korean »
미친 닥터는 그의 나쁜 계획을 위한 3명의 외과로 그(것)들을 붙여서 3 중에서 1명의 사람을, 창조하기 위하여 사람들을 당나귀 에 입 납치했다.
Doctor whom reaches the (thing) will listen as 3 people surgeries him for a bad plan and to attach in order to create the person of the one person, from in 3 the people in the donkey the mouth hijacked.
My Shit Is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot you
« Korean »
나의 배설물은 높은 쪽으로 성교한다 그래서 나는 당신을 쏘는 것을 얻었다
My body waste was high and side with has sexual intercourse so got the fact that shoots you
Nice shirts like you!