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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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« Japanese »
It is high
Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock
« Chinese (traditional) »
Guitar rock heroic soldier
His face looks like a bears arse, it has many hairs
« Filipino »
kanya face asta maibigan a tiisin arsenal , ito may marami buhok
its face looks like a endure arsenal , it have much tress
Who could deny these butterflies? They're filling his gut.
« Portuguese »
Quem podia negar estas borboletas? They' re enchimento seu intestino.
Who could deny these butterflies? They' reverse speed wadding its intestine.
Get the fuck out my house
« Welsh »
Ca 'r fuck i maes 'm d]
I have ' group fuck out ' ores heartburn ]
Just dance, it'll be okay.
« Hungarian »
Csak táncol , lesz még rendben van.
Only hops , it'll be she's all right.
Angus Mushroom and Swiss Third Pounder Sandwich
« Japanese »
Mushroom of un gas and 3rd pound sandwich of the Swiss person
I think we will go with a little Bohemian Rhapsody, gentlemen?
« Japanese »
Do I Bohemian [rapusodei] where we are small, think of that it goes with the gentleman?
the bond that we had is something that cannot be erased
« Slovenian »
vez to mi had je nekaj to ne morem obstati zbrisati
unifier this we had there is white elephant this I can't to stop wipe away
by jrandom
your presence brings warmth to my day
« Finnish »
sinun läsnäolo aiheuttaa lämpö jotta minun aika
your presence produce temperature to mine period
Nice shirts like you!