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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Fuck me, I'm dying!
« Chinese (traditional) »
與我性交, 我垂危!
With my sexual intercourse, I critically ill!
Linux rules!
« Japanese »
Linux は支配する!
You control Linux!
Babelfish translates everything perfectly!
« Korean »
Babelfish은 모두를 완전하게 번역한다!
The Babelfish all, it is complete and it translate!
sweep the leg
« Icelandic »
sópa the fótur
whisk the tootsie
by Bobby Hay
shut the fuck up already
« Japanese »
Tighten the sexual intercourse already
Milk, milk, lemonade. Around the corner, fudge is made. Stick your finger up the hole, and out will come a Tootsie Roll.
« Czech »
Mléko , mléko , limonáda. Asi èlen urèitý hledisko , dát dohromady is udìlal. Pøilepit tvùj brát autobus èlen urèitý jáma , a mimo vùle ale jdìte jeden Foukat Archiv.
Milk , milk , lemonade. Aromatically the standpoint , piece is made. Stick yours nibble bus the hole , plus without wills come a Whiff Archives.
I can count to twelve while holding my breath.
« Welsh »
Alla chyfrif at 'n ddeuddeg blwc yn cadw 'm anadl.
I am being able reckon to ' heartburn twelve pluck keeping ' ores breath.
Hi. Do you have the time?
« Japanese »
Today. Is there a time?
by Agnes
Don't worry about a thing, because every little thing is going to be all right.
« Croatian »
Ne izgristi se o predmet , jer svaki malen predmet ide biti sve je u redu.
Does not worry about object , because everyone pony is going to be all right.
Don't worry about a thing, because every little thing is going to be alright.
« Filipino »
Don't huwag kang mag-alaala buongpaligid a bagay , sapagka't bawa't maliit bagay ay pag-alis sa maaari alright.
Don't fraudulent kanggaroo mag - reminiscence about a item , because every little item are pag - deprive toward possible alright.
by Luisa
Nice shirts like you!