delicious soft cookies
'n bêr 'n esmwyth cookies
' heartburn spear ' heartburn soft cookies
what the fuck
ce qui la baise
what kisses it
And then, all of a sudden, the world stopped.
A nìkdy , jako by spadl z hrušky , èlen urèitý svìt zátka.
PLUS sometimes , like moonstruck , the world stopper.
Don't worry about a thing, because every little thing is going to be all right.
Ne izgristi se o predmet , jer svaki malen predmet ide biti sve je u redu.
Does not worry about object , because everyone pony is going to be all right.
this is so derpy
bu bkz. be öylesine derpy
this bkz. hi so derpy
I've been working on the railroad all the live long day
« German »
I worked on the railway that whole long lively day
Rock out with your cock out
« Korean »
In rock your cocking at outside at outside
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
Ja sam on kao ti si on kao ti si mene i mi jesu listom.
I am a him as a you are a him as a you are a myself plus we are October.
America is the greatest country in the whole world
« Japanese »
America being the entire world, is the largest country
by Andrew
This server has gone out of bounds. It will be reset, and restored from backup.
to pomočnik has zgubljen izven omejitev. on bo prikrivati , ter postaviti v prejšnje stanje s prislon.
this understrapper has like a duck in thunderstorm without saving. it will be reset , and to put up within status quo ante with back.