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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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the wrath of the seraphim shall fall upon all your heads as seamen
« Korean »
3쌍 날개의 천사의 분노는 선원으로 당신의 머리 전부에 내릴 것이다
The anger of the angel of 3 pair wings with crew will get off in your head whole
Guitar hero is the shit
« Korean »
기타 영웅은 배설물이다
The other hero is the body waste
My old man had a philosophy. Peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy.
« Japanese »
私の老人に哲学があった。 他の人より大きいこん棒を持っている平和平均。
There was a philosophy in my old person. Peaceful average which is larger than the other person and it has the stick densely.
I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, did he fire five shots back there or only six? Well to tell you the truth i lost count myself in all the excitement. But seeing how this is a forty four magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you have to ask yourself something. Am I feeling lucky? Well do you, punk?
« Korean »
나는 당신이 생각하고 있는 무슨을 알고 있다. 당신, 그는 후에 발사했는가 5개의 총알을 거기 또는 단지 6 생각하고 있는가? 우물 사실대로 말하자면 모든 흥분에서 나는 조사를 나 자신 잃었다. 그러나 이것이 대작 44개 어떻게인지 보아서, 세계에 있는 가장 강력한 권총은 당신의 머리를 치워낸다, 당신 무언가를 물어야 한다 불 것입니다. 운이 좋습니까 느껴 나는 인가? 우물은 당신 의 쏘시개 나무?
I am thinking your this, knows. Are you and him that place or 6 only thinking 5 bullets which fires after? If well factual as the flaw which rolls up my oneself lost an investigation from all excitation. This will see 44 great works to be how. but, the pistol which is most there is in the world powerful will remove your head and, your silence will split and is a fire thing must ask the stamp which Is the fortune feels and good authorizes? The well shoots you, the dog tree?
by Bub Moozey
You want the truth? You can not handle the truth!
« Japanese »
真実がほしいと思うか。 真実を扱うことができない!
You think that we want truth? It is not possible to handle truth!
by Bub Moozey
He is going to take you back to the past. To play the shitty games that sucked ass! He would rather have a buffalo, take your diarrhea dump in his ear! He would rather eat the rotting asshole of a road-killed skunk and down it with beer He is the angriest gamer you have ever heared! He is the angry nintendo nerd! He is the angry Atari-Sega nerd! He is the angry videogame nerd!
« Japanese »
彼は過去に戻って取ろうとしている。 ろばを吸ったshittyゲームをするため! 彼にむしろ水牛がある、 彼の耳のあなたの下痢のダンプを取りなさい! 彼はむしろ腐敗のろくでなしを食べる ビールとの道殺されたスカンクそしてそれの 彼はあなたが聞いたあることが最も怒っているgamerである! 彼は任天堂の怒っている退屈な人である! 彼はAtariセガの怒っている退屈な人である! 彼は怒っているビデオゲームの退屈な人である!
He has been about probably to take returning to the past. In order to do the shitty game which inhaled the donkey! There is an insect filtered water cow in him, take the dump of your diarrhea of that ear! As for him on the other hand corruption slowly is not the road of the beer which is eaten the skunk which is killed and that As for him a certain thing which you hear most is gamer which is gotten angry! He is the boring person where Nintendo Co. is gotten angry! He is the boring person where Atari Sega is gotten angry! He is the boring person of the video game which is gotten angry!
by NrDesign
My feet hurt like the Dickens! Would you rub them for me and make me a cup of hot tea?
« Norwegian »
Meg feet krenke like det Dickens! Vil du gni seg for meg og lage meg en koppen av het te?
My feet affront equal facts Dickens! Do you rub her for my and brew my a cup at called tea?
Nice to the princess to invite us over for a picnic, eh luigi?
« Japanese »
In the thing king woman who invites us because of picnic splendid [ruiji]?
by NrDesign
Was machst Du? (What are you doing?)
« German »
War machst DU? (Was Sie tuend? sind)
Make was YOU? (Which it doing? are)
by NrDesign
hello, my name is nrdesign
« German »
hallo, ist mein Name nrdesign
hello, is my name nrdesign
by NrDesign
Nice shirts like you!