Would you like to go sailing with me?
Me navigating is the fact that it goes liked?
I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of bubble gum!
I' ろばを蹴り、フーセンガムをかみ砕くmここにおよびI' フーセンガムからのmすべて!
I' You kick the donkey, you reach m here which crunches the Hu plug gum, I' M from the Hu plug gum entirely!
by Brett
I fucked her then gave her a dirty sanchez
As for me her the sun chess which becomes dirty in her who then is given it had sexual intercourse
Hugh is a nerd and never gets off the computer.
You do not obtain the hue under any condition not to be the boring person, from the computer separated.
I cut myself three times while making hard candy
Dola myfi 'n dri adegau blwc yn gwneud 'n anawdd candy
I fondle I ' heartburn three times pluck doing ' heartburn hard shattered
this is my favourite dish
이것은 나의 마음에 드는 접시이다
This is the plate which holds in my mind
by fiskeben
I'm Mister White Christmas, I'm Mister Snow. I'm Mister Icicle, I'm Mister Ten Below. Friends call me Snow Miser, whatever I touch turns to snow in my clutch... I'm too much!
I'm sis beyaz Noel I'm sis kar. I'm sis Icicle I'm sis on aşağı. sokulgan seslenmek beni kar mutsuz , her türlü I değmek turnike -e doğru kar içinde benim kavramak. I'm ziyade!
I'm fog white Christmas I'm fog snow. I'm fog Icicle I'm fog ten down. sociable call out to me snow miserable , whatever I be worth turnstile had straight snow in my seize. I'm more!
Holy shit, Welsh is a crazy fucking language. Seriously, look at this fucking language! What the shit?
'n gysegr-lân cacha , Cymraeg ydy a crazy fucking dafodiaith. 'n brudd , edrych ar hon fucking dafodiaith! Beth 'r cacha?
' heartburn holy I shit , Welsh he is being I go crazy fucking speech. ' heartburn grave , look at this fucking speech! Thing ' group I shit?
Osama Bin Laden.
Osama Bedna Čerpat vodu.
Osama Case Take water.
well isn't this just a fine and dandy situation?
健康なisn' tこれちょうど良く、おしゃれな状態か。
Healthy isn' t this to be exactly good, foppery state?
by Aeronic