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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Do you enjoy rabbits?
« Slovenian »
delati vi uživati zajec?
work you to take one's pleasure in shoehorn?
You can call me Mike.
« Japanese »
Me the microphone you can telephone.
by CDiFan237
i love your cat, it makes me sneeze.
« Japanese »
I love sneeze in your cat and me who do that.
Texas Tech should be the number one team in American College Football!
« Korean »
택사스 기술은 미국 대학 축구에 있는 번호 하나 팀이어야 한다!
[thayk] severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) technique must be a number one team which is to American university soccer!
by Rick
I have killed the barbarians!
« Latin »
EGO have iuguolo barbarus!
I fui to cut the throat barbarian!
I have had a kidney transplant from a dead guy.
« Slovenian »
imam had a ledvica presaditev s neuporaben èlovek ali reè veriga.
I have had however sirloin transplantation with a dead dog tether.
I have had a kidney transplant from a dead guy.
« Japanese »
There was transplantation of the kidney from the person who dies in me.
Bah bah black sheep have you any wool?
« Chinese (traditional) »
Bah bah败类有您所有羊毛?
Bah the bah degenerate has you to possess the wool?
you dont want to sell me anything. you want to go home and rethink your life
« Japanese »
私を何でも販売したいと思わない。 家に行き、あなたの生命を再考したいと思う
We would like to sell me with anything. It goes into the house, would like to reconsider your life
Shake your groove thing!
« Chinese (traditional) »
Vibrates your groove matter!
Nice shirts like you!