Dear pesky plumbers. The Koopalings and I have taken over the mushroom kingdom. The princess is now a permanent guest at one of my seven Koopa hotels. I dare you to find her if you can.
Anwylyd pesky blymyddion. 'r Koopalings a Chymerais ar 'r mushroom brenhiniaeth. 'r dywysoges ydy awron a 'n arhosol gwestai am hun chan 'm 'n saith Koopa gwestai. Anturia 'ch at ca 'i ai alli.
Beloved pesky plumbers. ' group Koopalings I go I Took signs ' group mushroom kingdom. ' group princess he is being now I go ' heartburn abiding guest about self with ' ores ' heartburn seven Koopa guest. I venture ' dogs to I have ' I or you are being able.