Suck my cock bitch
Suck meu carlingă bitch
Suck my cockpit bitch
That girl has a pussycat; it is cute.
Cette fille a un minou ; il est mignon.
This girl has a pussy; it is nice.
by Hurrai
One one was a race horse
Two two was one too
One one won one race
Two two won one too
Un uno era un cavallo di corsa due che due erano uno anche
Un uno ha vinto una corsa due che due hanno vinto uno anche
An era a horse of race two that two were also one has gained a race two that two have won also
I require three large bundles of tiny bars of hotel soap. Please fetch them for me.
私はホテルの石鹸の小さい棒の3つの大きい束を要求する。 私のためのそれらを取って来なさい。
I require the bundle whose three of the sticks where the soap of the hotel is small is large. Those because of me are taken, do.
by Veloci-Rapture
I will scratch your back if you scratch mine.
JA htijenje ogrebotina tvoj leđa ukoliko ogrebotina minirati.
I volition scratch yours caudal if you scratch mine.
George Bush gives killer hand jobs.
George Bush는 살인자 손 일을 준다.
George Bush give a murderer hand work.
by toadpole
for every two there is a third to cast a shadow
pentru fiecare doi acolo is un al treilea la spre castel un a umbri
for either two yonder is an third at at castle an shade
Go ahead, make my day.
Do to the front to go, make my day.
Maybe you should reconsider your position before you accuse me again.
어쩌면 당신은 당신이 저를 다시 고소하기 전에 당신의 위치를 재고해야 한다.
Possibly, you this me of you before again being tasty must reconsider your location.
more cowbell
fleiri týtuber
further mountain cranberry