I just defecated in my pants. Would you be a dear and help me clean it up?
Я как раз испражнялся в моих кальсонах. Вы были бы дорогим и помогали бы мне очистить его вверх?
I exactly of [isprazhnyalsya] in my drawers. You would be expensive and they would help me to clean him upward?
You look like you can take a mean dick
« Chinese (traditional) »
You look like you to be able to adopt a mean spying
My name is Alice. I am fourteen. I love playing the violin.
Meus nomen est Alice. EGO sum quattuordecim. EGO diligo lascivio ledo.
My name is Spelled. I to be fourteen. I to value highly to run riot strike.
Bits and Pieces. We scour the web so you don’t have to.
Stücke. Wir reinigen das Netz, also tun Sie nicht müssen.
Pieces. We clean the net, therefore you do not do must.
Climb every mountain follow every stream
Jít do kopce každý hora doprovázet každý proud
Go up the hill whoever mountain accompany whoever stream
Climb every mountain follow every stream
Chripia 'n bob fynydd canlyn 'n bob ddylifa
I scratch ' heartburn each mountain follow ' heartburn each I flow
Climb every mountain follow every stream
Escendo sulum mons montis insisto sulum profusum
To ascend each mountain to enter upon each to pour forth
Climb every mountain follow every stream
Arrampichi ogni montagna seguono ogni flusso
Every mountain scrambles up follows every flow
Climb every mountain follow every stream
Rise to all flow which follows to all mountains