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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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take this job and shove it
« Czech »
brát tato námezdní a strè si to nìkam
nibble this mercenary plus stick it up your ass
by varial
Your friends do not dance and if they do not dance then they are no friends of mine.
« Italian »
I vostri amici non ballano e se allora non ballano sono amici miei.
Your friendly friends do not dance and if then they do not dance they are mine.
for if you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes long into you
« Romanian »
pentru dacã tu gaze lung into abyss abyss de asemenea gazes lung into tu
for if you fart long into the. abyss the. abyss also fart long into you
break on through to the other side
« Japanese »
On being broken eye opposite side
That woman is rotten to the core.
« Danish »
At kvinde er skidt hen til den kerne.
That woman is bad to the magnetic core.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
« Welsh »
Aderyn i mewn 'r balf ydy gwerth 'n ddau i mewn 'r berth.
Bird in ' group palm he is being he sells ' heartburn two in ' group bush.
It's pining for the fjords.
« Icelandic »
It's vængbroddur fyrir the fjörður.
It's wing tip pay lip service to the lough.
your momma don't dance and your daddy don't rock and roll
« Welsh »
'ch momma gwisga t dawnsia a 'ch dad gwisga t sigla a bowlio
' dogs momma I dress tower I dance I go ' dogs father I dress tower I shake I go roll
by ali
these are the days of our lives
« Croatian »
te jesu dani naš marva
these are Daniel of our livestock
by ali
Sexy women aren't always great in bed.
« Danish »
Sexet kvinder er ikke altid stor i leje.
Sexy women aren't forever extensive to rent.
Nice shirts like you!