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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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i like to watch porn
« Japanese »
I like the fact that you look at the pornography
Why so serious?
« Hungarian »
Miért tehát súlyos?
Why ergo massive?
sweet baby jesus!
« Croatian »
sladak dijete Isus!
mellifluous youngster Jesus!
Brave little toaster to the rescue!
« Korean »
구조에 용감한 작은 토스터!
Is brave in structure and toss!
700 billion dollar bailout
« Spanish »
700 mil millones desalojos urgentes del dólar
700 billion urgent evacuations of the dollar
Bite Me!
« Portuguese »
It bites me!
Oh, snap!
« Spanish »
¡Oh, broche de presión!
Oh, clasp of pressure!
it's clobbering time!
« Japanese »
it' sの容赦なく打つ時間!
it' The time when it strikes without the pardon of s!
by Jeremy
I think this bread is a little stale. Get me a new loaf.
« Korean »
나는 이 빵이 조금 부패한ㄴ다고생각한다. 저에게 새로운 덩어리를 얻으십시오.
I do this bread a little corrupted suffering each is. Get the new lump in me.
Maybe you should reconsider your position before you accuse me again.
« Korean »
어쩌면 당신은 당신이 저를 다시 고소하기 전에 당신의 위치를 재고해야 한다.
Possibly, you this me of you before again being tasty must reconsider your location.
Nice shirts like you!