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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Big-breasted prepubescent mousegirls
« Japanese »
Mousegirls before the large breasted adolescence
Will all gratuities be included in the final price?
« Bulgarian »
Ùå öÿë áåçâúçìåçäåí áúäà âêëþ÷âàì in îïðåäåëèòåëåí ÷ëåí êðàåí öåíà?
Ùå öÿë gratuitous be include in îïðåäåëèòåëåí ÷ëåí êðàåí öåíà?
Will all gratuities be included in the final price?
« Slovenian »
hoteti vsi svojevoljen obstati vštet v završen cenik?
yammer young and old self-willed to stop included within final trade list?
How much does this intimate service you provide cost?
« Czech »
Kolik does tato dát na srozumìnou služba tebe darovat cena?
What does this take a hint service you provide worth?
Do you know where to find good weed? I've got a mad hankering.
« Japanese »
よい雑草をどこで見つけるか知っているか。 I' veは気違いの憧れを得た。
You have known you find the good weed somewhere? I' ve obtained the yearning of the lunatic.
I have fallen and I can not get up.
« Icelandic »
ÉG hafa bylta og ÉG geta ekki fá upp.
I á brjósti throw down and I cannot get devise.
I have explosive diarrhea. Where is the nearest lavatory?
« Slovenian »
imam eksploziven driska. kraj je pobliže stranišèe?
I have plosive loosseness of the bowels. whence there is nearer washroom?
Would you like to go to dance with me?
« Icelandic »
Vildi þú eins og til hátta dans með mig?
Would you as though to undress dance with myself?
Would you like to dance with me?
« Swedish »
Skulle du lik till dansa med jag?
Would you like to dance with self?
no smoke without the fire
« Finnish »
ei höyrytä ilman ampua
no smoke exclusive plug
Nice shirts like you!