once I tucked an egg into my poo pipe. it was quite exciting but I should probably have cooked and shelled it first. messy.
une fois que je rempliais un oeuf dans ma pipe de poo. elle était tout à fait passionnante mais je devrais l'avoir faite cuire et écossée probablement d'abord. malpropre.
once I rempliais an egg in my pipe of poo. it was completely enthralling but I would owe l' to have made cook and have shelled probably d' access. swine.
I usually like for the girl to pleasure me first, then it is her turn. unless she is extremely attractive, in which case she does not get a turn at all.
私は通常喜びに女の子のために私を最初に好む、そしてそれは彼女の回転である。 彼女が非常に魅力的でなければ、彼女が回転を全然得なければ。
I in the normality joy first like me for the girl, and that is her revolution. If she is not very attractive, if she does not obtain revolution at all.