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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I would like nothing else more than to go out with you.
« Korean »
나는 아무것을 좀더 보다는 당신과 나가기 위하여 좋아할 것입니다.
I little more see anything in order to go out with you the like.
by Laurel
i live in a cardboard box
« Filipino »
ako buhay di a karton suntukin
me life in a carton sock
Would you perhaps want to go out with me?
« Korean »
당신은 아마 저와 나가고 싶을은가?
You will go out and probably the writing and the silver?
mucho gusto, me llamo bradley. i am hornier than ron jeremy.
« Korean »
mucho 취미, 저 llamo 브레들리. 나는 ron jeremy 보다는 더 단단하다.
mucho hobbies, writing llamo [pu] [ley]. I see ron jeremy am harder.
Hey Mat, this blahblahfish thing is kind of neat. I want some yellow cake too.
« Korean »
어이 매트는, 이 blahblahfish 것 얼마쯤 청초하다. 나는 어떤 노란 케이크를 역시 원한다.
Hollo the mat these blahblahfish thing how much is neat. I what kind of want the yellow cake as well.
by Laurel
I am old greg
« Korean »
나는 오래된 그렉이다
I am the old that rack
by old gregg
Chocolate rain, forecast to be falling yesterday
« Korean »
초콜렛 비, 어제 내릴 예측
The chocolate expense, the prediction which will get off yesterday
i can fly like an eagle
« Portuguese »
eu posso voar como uma águia
I can fly I eat an eagle
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you
« Korean »
당신을 결코 가기, 당신을 실망시키기 위하여 결코 가기 포기하기 위하여, 돌아다니고 당신을 사막화하기 위하여 결코 가기
In order going assuredly, in order to be disappointed you going assuredly, to abandon you, goes around and you in order to become desert going assuredly,
everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days, everybody knows what, what I'm talking about
« Korean »
모두는 무슨 I' 무엇을, 모두 보낸다 그 일을, 모두 알고 있다 실수한다; 에 대해서 이야기하는 m
All I& All sends and #039, what, all knows the work which, makes a mistake; About the m speaks
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