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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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The government is fucking awesome
« Greek »
Η κυβέρνηση τρομερός
The government terrible
I play Guitar Hero when I am drunk.
« Latin »
EGO lascivio Guitar Vir ut EGO sum madidus.
I to run riot Guitar Man when I to be wet.
by Ruffle
The government is fucking awesome
« Icelandic »
The ríkisstjórn er bölvaður ógnvekjandi
The government is cursed menacing
The government is fucking awesome
« Korean »
정부는 최고 성교이다
The government is highest sexual intercourse
George Bush is a hell of a president!
« Latin »
George Frutex est a abyssus of a praesieo!
Agricultural Shrub is a hell of a to sit before!
Give me a sheet of paper and you die!
« Korean »
저에게 종이 장을 주거든 당신은 죽는다!
Gives the paper market to me and you dies! where
I have a giant penis
« Japanese »
There is an enormous penis in me
The fucking government is awesome!
« Japanese »
Government keeps being surprised very!
Where the freaking hell is Waldo? You know the guy with the geeky glasses, red stripes and all..
« Icelandic »
Hvar the stórfurðulegur helvíti er Waldo? Þú vita the strákur með the geeky gleraugu , rauður rönd og allur.
Where the mind-boggling inferno is Waldo? You know the lad with the geeky spectacles , rubrical edge and total.
The office of the public defender is not known as a training ground for bright young litigators.
« Icelandic »
The skrifstofa af the skipaður verjandi er ekki þekktur eins og a æfingavöllur fyrir skær ungur eiga í málaferlum.
The skrifstofa with the public defender is not noted as though a training ground pay lip service to vivid youthful litigate.
by Ruffle
Nice shirts like you!