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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Lady Gaga
« Filipino »
babae Gaga
woman Imitation
Government hooker I can be good if you just wanna be bad I can be cool if you just wanna be mad I can be anything, I'll be your everything Just touch me baby I don't wanna be sad
« Italian »
Hooker di governo Posso essere buono se volete appena essere difettoso Posso essere freddo se volete appena essere pazzo Posso essere qualche cosa, I' il ll è il vostro tutto appena lo tocca bambino I don' la t vuole essere triste
Hooker of government I can be good if you want hardly to be defective I can be cold if you want hardly to be crazy I can be some thing, I' the ll it is your all hardly touches it child the don' the t it wants to be sad
I love you so much you kill me
« Japanese »
As for me you who are loved kill me so
time haunts the hunter and its arrows wing in the night
« Korean »
시간은 사냥꾼을 붙어 따라다니고 그것의 화살은 밤에서 공중을 난다
The time sticks and the hunter accompanies and it arrow is born air from night
lets fuck
« Japanese »
Sexual intercourse is permitted
I should go eat some pancakes, but I really can't stop thinking about purple gorillas!
« Chinese (traditional) »
我應該去真正地吃有些薄煎餅,但是I can' 考虑紫色大猩猩的t中止!
I should go to eat some thin fried cakes truly, but I can' Considered that purple gorilla's t stops!
The funny clown made me a balloon animal!
« Japanese »
The strange buffoonery teacher did the balloon animal in me!
I have the worst period cramps ever right now.
« Japanese »
I now experience the spasm of the worst period.
I should stop procrastinating and do my homework.
« Japanese »
I stop the fact that it makes the tip extending, my assignment should be done.
I want to chop off your penis with a blade welded by elves.
« Italian »
Voglio tagliare fuori il vostro pene a pezzi con una lamierina saldata dagli elfi.
I want to cut outside yours pains to pieces with a lamierina knit from the elfi.
Nice shirts like you!