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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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do not want
« Chinese (traditional) »
mental floss
« Japanese »
Spiritual froth
by Fluf
My blind date was a douche bag
« Korean »
나의 미팅은 douche 부대이었다
My meeting was douche units
by Fluf
This hot chick pole danced and I immediately got hard
« Italian »
Questo palo caldo del pulcino ha ballato ed immediatamente ho ottenuto duro
This warm pole of the chick has danced and immediately I have obtained hard
by Fluf
She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
« Korean »
그녀는 바다 해안에 의하여 바다 포탄을 판매한다.
She in compliance with the ocean coast sells the ocean projectile.
I want to pound you like yesterdays beef
« Welsh »
Fi angen at bwyo cari yesterdays biff
I need to beat you carry yesterdays beef
I want to pound you like yesterdays beef
« Greek »
Θέλω να σφυροκοπήσω εσείς συμπαθώ το βόειο κρέας yesterdays
I want to hammer you I like the bovine meat yesterdays
Tit monkeys of the world unite!
« Korean »
세계의 경타 원숭이는 결합한다!
The light hit monkey of the world combines! where
Beware of the big green dragon on your doorstep !
« Korean »
당신의 현관 계단에 큰 녹색 용의 조심하십시오!
Big green suspicion take care in your doorstep!
Mccain is a dick.
« Japanese »
Mccain is the hateful person.
Nice shirts like you!