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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I want to have sex with your mother.
« Japanese »
I think that we would like to possess the characteristic where your mother has been attached.
Searching, questioning, husband of nearly 15 years, father of twin teenagers! (Yikes), writer, accountant, dreamer, believer, doubter, complexly simple
« Japanese »
対のティーネージャーの父、ほぼ15年の夫質問する、捜索! (Yikes)、作家、会計士、夢みる人、信者、簡単な不信を抱く人、複雑に
The father of the teenager of opposite, the husband of almost 15 years it asks, search! (Yikes) The writer, the accountant, the person, the believer and holds the simple infidelity the person whom you dream, in a complicated way
by Joe W-M
We are all mad here
« Slovenian »
mi smo vsi stekel vsepovsod
we're we are young and old rabidly throughout
We are all mad here
« Japanese »
As for us entirely the lunatic it is here
Olá mundo
« Portuguese »
Mundo de Olá
World of Olá
Sexy women aren't always great in bed.
« German »
Reizvolle Frauen aren' t immer groß im Bett.
Delightful Mrs. aren' t always largely in bed.
Hey girl, how you're doing?
« Portuguese »
Hey menina, como you' re fazer?
Hey girl, as you' reverse speed to make?
Are we not men? We are Devo!
« Icelandic »
Ert við ekki mannskapur? Við ert Gjörsneyddur!
Art accustom not labour force? Accustom art Devoid!
by Joe W-M
Don't stand so close to me
« Croatian »
Ne stajanje na taj naèin do mene
Does not stoppage to this mode up to myself
by Joe W-M
A man, a plan, a canal, Panama
« Filipino »
A tauhan a magbalak a kanal Panama
A man a plan a groove Panama
by Joe W-M
Nice shirts like you!