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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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what, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn batman!
« Chinese (simplified) »
什么,是您密集的? 您被减速或某事? 谁您认为我是? I' m该死的马弁!
What, is you are crowded? You are decelerated or something? Whose you did think that I am? I' m should die body guard!
what, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn batman!
« Japanese »
何、密であるか。 または何か遅れるか。 だれ私をある考えるか。 I' m goddamn従卒!
What, it is dense? Or something it is late? It is in love with, you think everyone's I? I' m goddamn secondary soldier/finishing!
i love the president
« Latin »
ego diligo praesieo
I to value highly to sit before
by Skippeh
Those damned republicans
« Latin »
Illud damno res publica
That condemn commonwealth
by Skippeh
Sarah Palin
« Latin »
Sarah Vallum
Sarah Ditch
by H
come and eat some tacos with me
« Korean »
저와 가진 어떤 타코를 먹는다 오십시오
With me eat what kind of taco which has and come
by H
come and eat some tacos with me
« Spanish »
venga comer un poco de tacos conmigo
it comes to eat a little tacos with me
by H
Take off all of your clothes.
« Portuguese »
Descole toda sua roupa.
Its clothes unglue all.
by Skullworld
Here's the problem. Too many toasters.
« Croatian »
Ovdje problem. Previše mnogobrojan zdravica.
Hereunder puzzle. More than enough many toast.
by Skullworld
Boom goes the dynamite,
« Dutch »
De boom gaat het dynamiet,
The tree goes the dynamite,
by Skullworld
Nice shirts like you!