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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Don't be sad Payter, thats why they call it shpoople.
« Czech »
Don't být smutný Payter , aby proč ona čerpat ono shpoople.
Don't subsist sorry Payter , that why she tank yon shpoople.
Come on, baby, light my fire. Try to set the night on fire.
« Korean »
, 나의 불이 아기에 의하여 자아, 점화한다. 불에 밤을 놓는 것을 시도하십시오.
The fire ignites in compliance with the baby self. Attempt the fact that puts a night in the fire.
I think I know I mean a yes but it's all wrong, that is I think I disagree.
« Czech »
JÁ cenit JÁ vŘdŘt JÁ mít v úmyslu jeden ano aby ne it's celek nesprávný , to jest JÁ cenit JÁ hádat se.
SELF weigh SELF know SELF mean a ay lest it's a total of wrong , that is SELF weigh SELF wrangle.
by AD2353
The smallest feline is a masterpiece
« Welsh »
'r 'n lleiaf 'n gathaidd ydy a masterpiece
' group ' heartburn least ' heartburn feline he is being I go masterpiece
The smallest feline is a masterpiece
« Serbian »
Određeni član najmanji lukav 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu jedan remek-delo
The least canny 3. wis with IT BE from present a masterpiece
Barrack Obama
« Icelandic »
Gera hróp að Obama
Do call snuggle up to Obama
Barrack Obama
« Danish »
Parallel bars Obama
Parallel confinement Obama
barrack obama
« Korean »
Common soldier obama
Barrack Obama
« Greek »
Αποδοκιμασία Obama
Disapproval Obama
I love fat people. They are so squishy
« Chinese (traditional) »
我愛肥胖人民。 他們是很濕軟的
I love the obese people. They are very wet soft
Nice shirts like you!