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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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up yours!
« Japanese »
With respect to your!
lost in translation
« Slovenian »
izgubljen v prevod
wilful waste makes woeful want within version
butt head
« Chinese (simplified) »
Target gong and drum accompaniment
The economy can suck my cock!
« Norwegian »
Det sparsommelighet kanne amme meg hannfuglen!
Facts economy can breast-feed my hannfuglen!
As a scientist, does it bother you that all your discoveries, no matter how profound will be proven wrong?
« Croatian »
Kao znanstvenik , se Internet gnjaviti te taj svi tvoj proistjecanje , kakogod vrlo dubok htijenje biti provenijencija izvrnut?
As a literary man , does IT harass these this all yours discovering , of how profound volition to be provenance wrong?
« Welsh »
heartburn, a heartburn
heartburn , I go heartburn
by CDiFan237
You will do what every self-respecting woman does: lay on your back, point your heels to Jesus, and think of handbags!
« Japanese »
あらゆる自尊心がある女性がすることをする: あなたの背部に置き、イエス・キリストをあなたのかかとを指し、そしてハンドバッグについて考えなさい!
It does that the woman who has all pride does: Place in your back section, yes Christ point to your heel, think and concerning the handbag!
Bite my shiny metal ass!
« Chinese (simplified) »
Bites metal donkey which I shine!
If you would shower at least once per week, your clothes wouldn't smell.
« Japanese »
1週あたりに少なくとも一度沢山与えたら、あなたの衣服wouldn' tの臭い。
When one time Sawayama it gives at least in such as 1 weeks, your clothing wouldn' The smell of t.
a jew, a mexican and a coloured guy walk into a bar. the barman looks up and says "get the fuck out of here"
« Russian »
еврейство, мексиканец и покрашенная ванта гуляют в адвокатское сословие. barman смотрит вверх и говорит " получите fuck из here"
jews, Mexican and colored guy go for a walk into the bar. barman looks upward and he speaks " you will obtain fuck from here"
Nice shirts like you!